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Old Jul 18, 2006, 08:51 PM // 20:51   #21
Frost Gate Guardian
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ethereal light
dwaynas kiss/heal seed/inspired hex/balanced stance (pick your favorite)
mend cond/extinguish (i tried both, preferred mend, but to each their own)
prot spirit (this is a MUST have)
heal party (this is a MUST have)
healing touch/heal area (gotta have a self heal)
rebirth/chant (someone has to cover rebirth for the 5 pad door, but as long as someone has rebirth, chant is nice)

As long as someone has BR, I have found no real need for much energy mgmt. I started out doing this with mantra of recall and found that to be a mistake. Word is better for handling the heals in here. Restore condition can work also, I just prefer WoH.

Last edited by frickaline; Jul 18, 2006 at 09:00 PM // 21:00..
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 04:47 AM // 04:47   #22
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asides from the room with the huge worm, where is prot spirit needed?
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 06:39 AM // 06:39   #23
Ascalonian Squire
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i've never took Prot Spirit to the deep and never had problems without. Might try some builds others posted but this worked fine for me....

My skills as follows:

Orison of Healing
Word of Healing
Healing Breeze
Healing Seed
Heal Party
Mend Aliment
Divine Boon

15 Healing / 13ish Divine / rest in Prot

i found the Breeze pretty helpful in some parts with hi degen (flower room, kanax room). eg tanks that take additional dmg benefit full from the hp spam.

Divine Boon i use mainly in the first rooms.
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 08:34 AM // 08:34   #24
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Originally Posted by pegasux
asides from the room with the huge worm, where is prot spirit needed?
when your idiot w/e literally transplants his PvP shock axe build (complete with frenzy) to the singlular worst PvE scenario you can think of (here, at the Deep). Or forgets to bring any defensive skills at all, same thing.
when the said idiot fails to aggro properly and lets Kanaxai gleefully run past your frontline and rage your casters.
when you dont want to risk your low health BIP'per to get pincushioned while running past the Outcast Reavers while running past the Aspect of Failure.
even in a more likely scenario, PS is good for limiting the damage on tanks when pulling outcast spellstorms.

the list goes on, believe me. you will find a use for it if you bring it.
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 12:10 PM // 12:10   #25
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I have done (and completed) The Deep only once. I was monking with 2 other healers. I dont think any of us or maybe just one of us were running some prot skills. My build was as follows:

Heal Prayers :16
Divine Prayers: 13
Wtv is left in some Prot

Orison Of Healing
Dwayna's Kiss
Healing Touch
Word Of Healing
Heal Party
Divine Spirit
Holy Veil
Mend Condition

The only time a had a little trouble with energy (nothing a small BR can't fix) was the one with the creatures that casted Chaos Storm (like half a second cast so while ur casting u can easily get some energy drained) and ovbiously the last room because of the HP spam. Again the BR kept me .

In all other rooms WoH should only be used for anyone under 50%, enchanted allies should have kiss used on them , and orison for anyone at 80% or so hp. Veil for hexes. Divine Spirit for rooms where it seems u rly need to spam those heal spells.

I was in a very experienced 2 guild grp so i didnt doubt everyone's healing capabilities. If you're in a pug, u might want to bring some prot because u cant rly trust anyone.

P.S this build can also be used pretty much anywhere else in PvE.
P.S 2 Healing Breeze SUCKS (lawl)
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 01:54 PM // 13:54   #26
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Originally Posted by lazuli
when your idiot w/e literally transplants his PvP shock axe build (complete with frenzy) to the singlular worst PvE scenario you can think of (here, at the Deep). Or forgets to bring any defensive skills at all, same thing.
when the said idiot fails to aggro properly and lets Kanaxai gleefully run past your frontline and rage your casters.
when you dont want to risk your low health BIP'per to get pincushioned while running past the Outcast Reavers while running past the Aspect of Failure.
even in a more likely scenario, PS is good for limiting the damage on tanks when pulling outcast spellstorms.

the list goes on, believe me. you will find a use for it if you bring it.
thanks =). I've just never seen an instance that I have had to use it yet...guess i have been lucky. I just wish tanks down there would get a clue how to tank. I like playing a tank down there a lot and damn it's realy easy yet many can't figure it out ARGH!
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Old Jul 19, 2006, 03:06 PM // 15:06   #27
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by pegasux
asides from the room with the huge worm, where is prot spirit needed?
Off the top of my head, prot spirit is required whenever a caster is being attacked, when the warrior at the end of the map needs to pull the nightmares away fromt he boss, when someone is knocked down in the aspect of scorpions (particularly yourself), when someone is being spiked by the air elementalists, when someone starts racking up the DP (particularly when trying to traverse the aspect of pain), and whenever the tank is taking but doesnt yet have dolyak on. And I am sure there are more situations, these are just the few that come to mind.

Its pretty much needed consistently throughout the deep map. Its one of the most unique, helpful skills in the game and no monk should be without it in any of the elite missions.

Last edited by frickaline; Jul 19, 2006 at 03:12 PM // 15:12..
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Old Jul 22, 2006, 01:45 PM // 13:45   #28
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Ill enlighten u all to the build i run in the deep for my monk. its very good, has never failed me yet and ive completed numerous runs with it.

Orison of Healing
Heal Other
Heal Party (a must-have skill for the deep)
Healing Seed (again a must-have skill for the deep)
Energy Drain (elite)
Drain Enchantment
Energy Tap

Attribute points - Healing Prayers 12 + 1 + 3
Inspiration Magic 9
Divine Favour 9 + 1
and watevers left over in protection to reduce down time on rebirth.
For equipment i use a mixture of shepheards (legs and feet) and ascetics (chest and arms) armor giving me 521 health and 44 energy.I typically use a Brohn Staff during my runs but if i should ever need a quick energy boost i always carry a 15-1 wand and foci.
You dont really need WoH as you have all the healing power u need in heal other, orison and seed and it just seems like a waste of an elite slot. E drain and E tap should help keep ur energy nice and high during conflicts (cant rely to heavily on a BiP, BR necro now can we ) and drain enchantment is very useful to strip kanaxai aspets of their demonic agility. If u really need to E tap can be swapped out for a condition removal such as mend ailment. Oh and ive done many runs with friends and none of the monks have ever carried prot spirit. again it just seems a waste of a slot but feel free to disagree and take it if u must.
I hope this has been useful to u. Good look and happy monking!

Last edited by pies of doom; Jul 22, 2006 at 01:49 PM // 13:49..
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Old Aug 05, 2006, 11:28 AM // 11:28   #29
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A more efficient method of energy management than the Mo/Me directly above:


15/13 Healing (swap the superior out if needed for DP; generally run superior)
11 Divine Favor
10 Blood Magic
2 Prot

Offering of Blood (E)
Healing Seed
Orison of Healing
Heal Other
Heal Party
Mend Condition
Holy Veil

Why OOB? To put it simply, the disadvantage just isn't a serious issue in The Deep. In the first room, huge energy management isn't necessary, and it's OK to have to Orison yourself periodically if you use your Seed efficiently. In the third room (e-denial), hiding energy and using OOB becomes invaluable to completing the room swiftly. In the fifth room (no enchantments), your OOB still functions. Finally, in the last room, OOB is the most efficient thing you can run for energy management. With all the Party spam, the disadvantage is just a non-issue. This is true for most areas in The Deep, but is never quite so clear as the last room.

You have to either do your own energy management or become the captive of the quality of your BiP necro when in The Deep. Becoming the BiP's captive is not a good thing for several reasons. First of all, your BiP may be a hazard to others, and do a poor job of managing his BiP timing to ensure that a) you have energy and b) he has energy to keep BiP going (and also perform secondary functions such as Well of Blood). This leads directly to you having energy problems, which leads to deaths and wasted time Rebirthing and regenning energy. Second of all, he may be a hazard to himself. I've had several BiP necros that had an unfortunate habit of saccing themselves out (most particularly in the e-denial room, where they would sac down too low and get exploded by a double/triple e-denial glitch). Then the necro would have crazy DP in the last room, and would have to back off on the BiP output a bit or degen out. Finally, error 7s can and do happen. I've carried off a group down to 8 members at the end following 4 d/cs (including 2 monks) with this build, and while energy was tight, it still was a fairly simple matter to keep everyone up in the last room.

Fleshweaver is highly recommended for this build for the +60 HP and 20% recharge on Blood (more OOBs). Otherwise, I run Ascetics, a +5 energy/20% enchants sword, the sword with a +15 energy/-1 regen Divine Favor focus, and a -5 energy/+30 HP weapon and -5 energy/+5 armor/+HP focus for hiding energy. If you're going to just get one of these sets of gear, be sure to get the focus swap set for hiding energy. It helps tremendously when you're having to deal with the energy denial to be able to hide a bunch of energy. Particularly as the common WoH monks will get completely shut down if your BiP is subpar. The really nice thing about OOB in that room is that you only need 5 energy to get back into the game at any given time, and the much lower recharge time than Energy Drain goes a long way.

Do your team a favor and bring condition and hex removal. You're going to want to be able to strip Blind from your warrior against the Carp, you're going to want to be able to remove Crippled, you're going to want to be able to remove Scourge Healing in the first room, and you're going to want to be able to remove Binding Chains. It's OK for the monk assigned to room 2 to tote Prot Spirit or Extinguish in lieu of conventional hex or condition removal (or both) for use when facing the rare chest next to Leviathan or for clearing Crippled from the entire party in the bridge room (or clearing it from your tank in the no-spells room). More importantly, though, you can save your team a TON of time by ensuring that your Warrior can Shove Restoration by keeping him clear of conditions with Mend Condition. Ele knockdowns are unreliable at best due to long recharges; you have to count on a Warrior who is NOT blind to save you 3-4 minutes by interrupting Restoration, thus saving you the hassle of killing that large mob AGAIN.

My preference is Mend Condition over Mend Ailment as the Carp stack two conditions (and the Blind comes off second) due to the lower recharge of Mend Condition; you're free, of course, to draw your own conclusions.

Finally, note that Extinguish is actually more useful than Prot Spirit; a competent tank running Dolyak and Watch Yourself should never need a Prot Spirit, and most of the things it would be really handy against (Nightmares, for instance) will just strip it anyway. It's a nice addition for the squishy that assists in the Kanaxai pull, and it's great if you catch that bad chest spawn near the Leviathan, but it isn't necessary, strictly speaking. Vent or some discussion with your tanks prior to entry (as you should ALWAYS be making sure that the warriors have KD, Dolyak and Watch Yourself, and an Icy weapon; that a W/A has Recall; that the E/Mes have Inspired or Revealed Enchantment along with nukes that do not cause monsters to de-aggro; that the SS has Spinal Shivers and the Blood Rit for self-sac after room 2; that the BiP has something to eat corpses with (commonly Well of Blood) and a backup Spinal Shivers...the list goes on and on for proper pre-prep to keep the elapsed time down).

Properly prepared and well-executed, The Deep should NEVER take more than 1:20 to finish. If you're taking longer than that, people are not playing efficiently. A single teamwipe in the first room can waste up to 10 minutes; poor play in any of the subsequent rooms can waste 5 minutes each, and not being able to pull large mobs because your monks can't handle it is in and of itself a huge time waster. Putting proper energy management on the monk bars in a Heal Party-intensive area (and by proper energy mangement I mean NOT WoH) goes a long way to enabling your casters to wipe entire rooms in one giant pull.

Last edited by Martin Alvito; Aug 05, 2006 at 11:43 AM // 11:43..
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Old Aug 05, 2006, 05:52 PM // 17:52   #30
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I must be getting grouped with bad tanks then, I always have to ps them, and try to heal the best I can... I seriously dont know if its me or the tanks...
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Old Jul 01, 2007, 10:02 PM // 22:02   #31
Ascalonian Squire
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I play as a monk in the deep and I've noticed lately that some ritualists try to join parties and are almost entirely rejected indiscriminately out of habit. When I've enquired why they are rejected I've been told "they're bad" or "they're ritualists duh". This seems entirely stupid to me when they have so much to offer.
They can spam a heal party equivalent every 20 secs for practically double the monk hp in addition to providing a +3 mending on everyone. While they can't match us monks for spike healing they are excellent at maintaining everyones health at a high level. Also, they're spirits affect everyone so in large groups (i.e 8 or 12) they are amazingly successful. Admittedly, they aren't so hot on removing conditions, with the exception of mend body and soul (and the deep is covered in spirits so check this skill out) and can't generally do multi person spells e.g healing seed, divine seed etc.
So, while they're not personally my thing they can be incredibly viable in these large person groups. I guess what I'm saying is actually give them a chance instead of rejecting them out of hand...I'm interested in what you think of them when you find a good one.
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Old Jul 01, 2007, 10:26 PM // 22:26   #32
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If you are going to go strictly heal use Balanced Stanced then Infuse Health for a spike if it happens then heal up with touch.

I wouldn't even touch that Mo/N build there is no need for the Mo/N anymore as builds are specialized.I would still use /Mes for MoR or E-Drain as OoB isn't worth it anymore unless you are a touchie.
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Old Jul 02, 2007, 03:15 AM // 03:15   #33
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[skill]Healer's Boon[/skill][skill]Reversal of Fortune[/skill][skill]Heal Other[/skill][skill]Healing Seed[/skill][skill]Glyph of Lesser Energy[/skill][skill]Heal Party[/skill][skill]Protective Spirit[/skill]

I'm too lazy to bring seed of life and it'd probably help, maybe I don't need glyph consider the BiP necro that is usually in the party, but it works and the 120~ heal parties are nice if you're in room 2 spamming it.

I don't see why people running elite energy management. (edit : wow old post is oooold)

Last edited by ZenRgy; Jul 02, 2007 at 03:17 AM // 03:17..
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Old Jul 02, 2007, 04:30 AM // 04:30   #34
Frost Gate Guardian
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Since Healer's Boon monks are usually found in the Deep I have a build that works with that monk.

Healing Prayers: 16
Divine Favor: 15

Ethereal Light
Dwayna's Kiss
Heal Party
Orison of Healing
Seed of Life
Aura of Faith {E}
Archane Mimicry

This build has a couple of functions. First when you get in you Mimicry HB and now you are running with 2 elites. If I have room 4 (the one where you can't block) all I have to do is cast Seed of Life and Aura of Faith on the tank and an occasional heal when SoL is down.

Why Aura of Faith? 1: it is a 60 second (72 with 20% enchant) enchantment that adds 50% more heal to the target; 2: it heals for 72 on a target with Scourge Enchantment without actually triggering Scourge via the Divine Favor bonus only. If you cast Aura of Faith on a tank while my SoL is up it is actually healing him for 45 instead of 30. Orison of Healing heals for 238 (including DF bonus). Ethereal Light heals for 300. Heal Party will heal the target for 189. The other monks also see the boost in the heal on the target thereby making all heals on the pulling tank more effective. It also is good for a cover enchant at the end when the party is needing to knock Kanaxai down twice. The nightmares strip Aura of Faith first and hopefully by then the second knockdown has occurred.

Archane Mimicry also has another use in the Deep. At times I can Mimicry Blood is Power and cast it back on the BiP and helping him out with energy... such as if he is rezzed with Rebirth he will have no energy. I can BiP him and the rezzing monk while the BiP is replenishing his energy pool. Also in the energy surge room I feel the BiP with energy is more important to the team than me not having 15% DP. I explain to the BiP to go through the gate. Once everyone else is through I steal BiP and sacrifice down.

if I really had to I could Mimicry Shove from one of the tanks and use it but I haven't had a reason to do so.

Seed of Life is very powerful here as most may know. There is one place when the party is transitioning from the Scorpion Aspect room to the next. Just cast SoL on one of the party members that is running. As they run they are taking 25 damage and SoL is healing the party for 30.
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Old Jul 03, 2007, 02:51 PM // 14:51   #35
Wilds Pathfinder
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My build
as a room 1/3/4 monk

Healing 16
divine 13
rest in Protective

Dwayna's Kiss
Heal Other
Seed of Life
Healing Seed

repeatly spamming the seeds almost keep tanks undefeatable in first room
only need a few times of Dwayna's Kiss when facing the aspect.

in room 2
I would use LoD>HP and mimicry>HB

LoD + mimcry HB is extremely useful in the enegy lossing room
becoz you have no energy and everyone needs healing.
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Old Jul 03, 2007, 02:59 PM // 14:59   #36
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by pegasux
asides from the room with the huge worm, where is prot spirit needed?
what if the aspect escaped from the tank and targeted you/any caster
what if a golem running towards you
what if someone got targeted by elementalist and lost half of his/her health?
PS is really useful in deep
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